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国英双语&国配 今日: 23 |主题: 19664|排名: 5 


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[国英多音轨] [荒野生存].Into.the.Wild.2007.Bluray.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/3.66G] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 hkouun 2018-11-5 16911503 zzg123456 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云]荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007.BD1080p.AC3.AAC.国英双语.特效中英字幕.mp4.5GB - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 小丹尼23 2023-2-28 352750 zzg123456 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【BT】【黑客帝国三部曲】国英双语.BD-1080P.MKV[20G] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..31 gokione 2015-3-21 30335283 gygyr2 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度盘·城通直链][赎金风暴].Ransom.1996.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3.3Audios-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/3.87G] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..22 hkouun 2018-2-15 21317155 ccv99 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [秘密特工].The.Man.From.U.N.C.L.E.2015.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/3 attachment heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...23456..23 hkouun 2018-8-22 22216487 xiongmao888 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度]非俄版[60帧.2K]拯救大兵瑞恩.H265.10bit.Bolby.4KSG[国英5.1双语/中英字幕/19.2G] - [售价 8 游币] heatlevel agree  ...2345 z9944455 2020-5-11 427066 liuliuyuan 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【BT+百度网盘】【辛巴达历险记(新一千零一夜) 第一季 】【国英双语】【共22集/MKV】【15.6G】【辽宁电视台国配】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..79 wuha123 2015-6-10 78564563 dnfko 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [一级恐惧].1996.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3.3Audios-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/4.2G] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 wuha123 2014-8-22 19016816 jediboy8 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 秘密特工.The.Man.From.U.N.C.L.E.2015.BluRay.x264.AAC-TYZH.央视长译/台配/英语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 太阳之火 2022-3-18 16212966 zhouxingze 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [城通] 小姐与流浪汉.Lady.and.the.Tramp.1955.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-TYZH.台配国语/英语 heatlevel  ...234 太阳之火 2015-9-17 345311 藤原雅 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [美国][科幻][夸克免费][盗梦空间(2010)][4K HDR.2160p.BluRay/MKV/31.7G][国英双语音轨][中英特效字幕] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 yemi 2024-1-31 42543 301314 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度网盘]猩球崛起1-3部合集.2011-2017.720P.国英双语.中英字幕(人人影视翻译).MKV.1.36G+1.7G+1.8G - [售价 30 游币] agree  ...23 巴尔干 2023-11-22 232499 l9kcc 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 亚历克斯·克洛斯.Alex.Cross.2012.720p.BluRay.AAC.x264.国英双语中英双字.mkv 1.22GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 likh 2023-11-25 13519 rzccy 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [H.265][百度网盘][二战][美国][海狼突击队 The Sea Wolves (1980)][国英双语 1080PMKV高清][分辨率1920X1080 - [售价 50 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 真是一座好桥 2022-8-15 716848 garyman 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 明星秘史 Queenie (1987)【国英双语】mkv 3.12G - [售价 25 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“wsmjl”已阅] ...23456..14 sanjk 2020-11-18 13119385 nanguoshushu 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [美国][恐怖][断头谷 (1999)][BD-1080P/MKV/8.85G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-4-3 14484 zhoupeng1974 3 天前
[国英多音轨] (百度云)亚瑟和他的迷你王国123: 国英双语 新人帖 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 lxflxx 2016-1-31 31121017 黑色耳环 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [城通] [720P&1080P]铁钩船长.Hook.1991.BluRay.2Audio.x264.AAC-TYZH.国英双语 heatlevel  ...23456..10 太阳之火 2016-8-18 9312756 ycylxz 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [顶级收藏版][虎胆龙威 1-5合集][极致音画洗版][1080p蓝光 DTS音质-MKV/单部约12G][国英双语][中英特效字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..70 zhonghuahong 2022-2-7 69321865 zasx 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【1080P/720P】终极捍将/不败枭雄 Last Man Standing 1996 .BluRay.X264.2Audio.AAC(5.1)SDHF-NO heatlevel  ...23456..15 wuha123 2014-4-2 14916849 影视怀旧 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [异能].2009.BluRay.1080P.x264.AC3.2Audios-ZhuYanXin-[国英双语/中英字幕/13.1G] heatlevel  ...23456..25 靈豐丶小新 2013-10-13 24019775 ghjjfghjghjzh 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度云】[英国/法国] 烈火情人 Damage (1992)【国英双语】mkv 2.21G - [售价 25 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..19 sanjk 2022-4-24 18713683 bestliuxb 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 日本沉没 日本沈没 (1973) 日本 国语配音 mkv 720M attach_img  ...234 津门大哥 2021-10-6 375311 cainiaoqqq 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 危情时速.Unstoppable.2010.Blu-ray.x264.AAC-TYZH.国英双语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 太阳之火 2020-3-12 13413774 yzg621 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云]华尔街之狼.The.Wolf.of.Wall.Street.2013.BD1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC.国英双语.特效中英字幕.mp4. - [售价 25 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..16 小丹尼23 2023-2-26 1529089 lwkid01 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云]【生死时速 Speed (1994)】1080p.h265.10bit. MKV 5.71G - [售价 80 游币] attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 不如电影 2020-10-8 7111664 andsen2009 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 《复仇者联盟1-4》4K原盘REMUX [HDR] [国英双语] [内封简英双字+双语特效字幕] - [售价 200 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 薛Jackie 2023-9-15 683338 lzb2024 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云] [美国][1993][绝岭雄风][动作/冒险/惊悚][国英双语特效字幕][MKV/3.22G][1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.10b - [售价 30 游币] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 xujian5646577 2019-3-26 8411821 zhoupeng1974 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [五一特辑][敢死队][2010][4K 2160p 60帧-mkv/18G][国粤英DTS5.1三语][中英字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 zhonghuahong 2024-5-4 48348 liuliuyuan 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [720P&1080P]体热.Body.Heat.1981.WB.Blu-ray.x264.AAC-TYZH.国英双语 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“wsmjl”已阅] ...23456..12 太阳之火 2018-11-4 11411360 fan1358 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云][美国][2020][银行家 The Banker][剧情/传记][国英双语中字][MKV/2.63GB][BD1080PX264] - [售价 60 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 tiandiren 2023-12-13 24768 驯狮三狼 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [译制电影] 鸽之翼.The.Wings.Of.The.Dove.1997.BluRay.x264.AAC-TYZH.央视国语/英语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 太阳之火 2023-5-2 1284826 Piroschka 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度云】【解放 】【1970-1971】【 国语、俄语两个版本,中字】【1080p 】【炮火弧线6.43GB +突破6.22GB+ 主攻方向9.17GB+柏林 - [售价 50 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..18 sxc888888 2022-3-16 17319259 mmy518 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][查理卓别林电影全集][1080P][74G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-11-16 171133 邢陈佳 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [免费] [阿里云盘][英国] 傲慢与偏见 1980 [上译国配英语原声中英字幕] [DVD-MKV/576P] 标清小体积 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 betty2001 2024-2-2 51828 xiaoshuo300 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 日本沉没 日本沈没 (1973) 上译经典 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..15 真是乐死人 2015-8-18 14016358 cainiaoqqq 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [美国][科幻][土拨鼠之日(1993)][BD-1080P.MKV/6.06G][国英双语中英字幕] attachment agree  ...23 天使与魔鬼 2022-11-27 202543 tedizucete 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [2019] [韩国/灾难] [BT下载] [白头山] [BluRay-1080P.MKV] [双语中字] [11.1 GB] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 77522677 2023-2-26 442585 leequn11111 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【1080P】[金刚/King Kong Extended Edition][加长高码重制版/国英][BD-MKV/1.66G] - [售价 10 游币] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 盘古 2016-2-4 10011076 SCORCHINGYANG 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度】【自压x265】看得见风景的房间.1985.BluRay.1080p.X265.10bit.DTS.3Audio.上译京译内参双国配英语双字.3.92G - [售价 5 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“如梦如烟”已阅] ...23456..9 jesseli 2018-8-24 879816 Piroschka 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度/城通双网盘][追风筝的人].The.Kite.Runner.2007.US.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/4. attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..20 hkouun 2017-6-30 19717633 air4523 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [顶级收藏版][漫威 合集][极致音画洗版][4K 2160p HDR-MKV/单部15G][国英多音轨][特效字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..197 zhonghuahong 2022-2-4 196841614 q23547832 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [美·德][恐怖][透明人蓝光 未删减洗版 2000] [BluRay.1080p] [MKV/8.87GB][次时代国配/上译/京译/DTS英语] [中文字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..35 polo9572 2021-10-27 34322595 网我我 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云][美国][2008~2014][飓风营救1- 3部合集][剧情/动作/犯罪][国英双语中字][BD-MKV/HEVCx265.10bit/1080P/ - [售价 50 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 xujian5646577 2019-3-8 13312517 段逸枫 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [译制电影] 摘金奇缘.Crazy.Rich.Asians.2018.BluRay.x264.AAC-TYZH.国台粤英 heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...23456..9 太阳之火 2023-1-7 844873 hldj 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 地铁惊魂.The.Taking.of.Pelham.123.2009.Blu-Ray.x264.AAC-TYZH.长译公映国语/英语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..18 太阳之火 2020-3-12 17216096 linsong7814 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 极速车王.Ford.v.Ferrari.2019.BluRay.x264.AAC.央视长影国语/英语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..16 CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-3-17 1565874 wzt1241982432 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度网盘】美国经典动作影片《银线号大血案》Silver Streak (1976) 国英双语 1080P高清2.3GMKV attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 闪电战 2019-5-12 7311606 dogman 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [韩国][2016][仁川登陆作战(含加长版)][战争][李政宰/李凡秀/连姆·尼森][国韩双语/特效中字][MKV/2.39GB+2.11GB][BD.108 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 wz196810 2022-7-21 16413321 含笑学英语 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [欧美][剧情][1953][罗马假日][BD-MP4/2.7G][国英双语/特效中英字幕][1080P] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..21 寂寞的骄傲 2021-2-20 20815339 yimaoli 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [美国] [百度云] 云中漫步 A Walk in the Clouds (1995) 国英双语 中英字幕 标清1280x720P - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 chenyuhu 2021-4-13 385559 redbutterfly123 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 南方铁路之战 Dvoboj za juznu prugu (1978) 前南斯拉夫 国语配音 mkv 1.19G attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 津门大哥 2021-12-10 728998 z8726 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度网盘]荒岛惊魂.Three.2005.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AC3.2Audios-ZHP.DVD草配国语/英语.2.19G - [售价 80 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..21 qq320722 2021-1-2 20720956 lpsyc2008 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 黑泽明.乱(1985).BD.720p.1080p.国日双语.中字.Ran.1985.日本/度盘2.43G/6G - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 wnad99 2023-5-2 462678 izhsewww 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [顶级收藏版][美国队长3:内战 IMAX][极致画质洗版][4K 2160p IMAX HDR满屏-Mkv/18.6G][国英双语][内封特效字幕][阿里云盘 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..39 zhonghuahong 2021-12-12 38033137 imp123 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [国语配音] 【4K极致观影体验】黑泽明经典.乱.国日双语.1985.UHD.BluRay.2160p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.HDR.x265.10bit attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..12 Russallan 2021-8-27 11410609 izhsewww 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 双城记 A Tale of Two Cities (1935) 【国英双语】 mkv 4G - [售价 25 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“wsmjl”已阅] ...23456..10 sanjk 2020-9-19 9712814 wsouthmoon 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][角斗士加长版.2000][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-12.93G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-1-5 10477 lizhi888 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 阳光下的罪恶.Evil.Under.the.Sun.1982.BluRay.X264.3Audio.AAC.720p.SDHF-NORMTEAM.上译经典国语/ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..43 wuha123 2013-11-17 42433836 xiakel 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [2014][欧美][科幻][BT][星际穿越][BD-MP4/8G][国英双语/中英双字][1080P][无水印] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 寂寞的骄傲 2017-10-16 31312842 michael_mzh 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 莫斯科不相信眼泪.Moscow.Does.Not.Believe.In.Tears.1980.BluRay.x264.AAC-TYZH heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 太阳之火 2021-7-2 12414707 wpkiloveyou 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [度盘]阿凡达.Avatar 2009 2D+3D BluRay 1080p AVC DTS-HDMA 5.1-jxkyyp.fy[48G] - [售价 30 游币] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 jzfeiying 2018-3-28 15417125 sanshi2002 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 『动作』2013终极神差.720p国英双语.1997美国 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 张荣军 2014-5-29 14114843 xin、 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 3D超强搞笑特效收藏版【3D神偷奶爸3】(国语3D特效出屏字幕)2017.dx3D.1080p.6.3GB.mkv[国英双语] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 dx2189 2017-9-27 1009435 sanshi2002 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [1998] [欧美/灾难] [磁力下载] [世界末日/绝世天劫] [纯净版] [HD-MP4/1080P] [国英双语中字] [2.82G] - [售价 50 游币]  ...2 77522677 2022-8-6 111659 元气小僧 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [俄罗斯][2016][动作/战争][潘菲洛夫28勇士][国俄双语/精校中字][mkv/4.34GB][BD.1080P.x264.AC3] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..23 wz196810 2022-4-13 22117536 upthesky 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 1988[午夜狂奔.Midnight Run].BDRip//长译公映国配/国英双语/2.1G attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 我相信 2014-11-1 29923599 ccmnn 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [译制电影] 绝地战警.Bad.Boys.1995.REMASTERED.BluRay.x264.长译国语/六区国语/英语 heatlevel agree  ...23456..16 太阳之火 2020-6-15 15315317 空城i02 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [再版][720P&1080P]午夜狂奔.Midnight.Run.1988.GBR.Bluray.2Audio.x264-AAC-TYZH.央视国语/ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..22 太阳之火 2017-9-12 21214182 ccmnn 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [迅雷]大鱼/大鱼老爸 国英双语 2003 10.8G attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..12 永爱不弃 2015-4-11 11711808 天下唯我古秦魂 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [顶级收藏版][移动迷宫2:烧痕审判 已修复][极致画质洗版][4K 2160p HDR-Mkv/15.6G][国英双语][中英字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 zhonghuahong 2021-11-19 30716731 asiazyq 3 天前
[国英多音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 迫切的任务 True Crime (1999) 1080p×264【国英双语】mkv 2.6G - [售价 25 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 sanjk 2022-12-1 514077 wangppp 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度云][2010 ]长大成人 Grown Ups 1080p 265 4G 国英 - [售价 20 游币] recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456 ghp1976 2020-2-27 556644 fransisco107 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [百度·城通双网盘][荒岛余生].Cast.Away.2000.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT[国英双语/中英字幕/4.05 heatlevel  ...23456..22 hkouun 2017-10-13 21412712 980918mh 3 天前
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[国英多音轨] 【百度云】壮志凌云.国英双语.1986.中英字幕3.00 GB attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..20 a252428056 2015-4-4 19215540 ginkgot 3 天前
[国英多音轨] [虫不知].2005.DVDRip.480p.x264.AAC.2Audios-Ed530.[国粤双语/中文字幕/415M] attach_img  ...2345 靈豐丶小新 2013-11-7 428340 闻威 3 天前
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[国英多音轨] 【百度云】嫌疑人 台韩双语 - [阅读权限 20]attach_img agree  ...23 qq339301510 2018-1-31 24803 15871516618 3 天前
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